STDs Are On The Rise
Did you know that rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in people ages 55 and up more than doubled in the U.S. from 2012 to 2022? Even though rates have increased dramatically, there are currently no screening guidelines for STIs in older adults. That’s why it’s vital to make STD & STI testing a routine part of your healthcare plan.
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Why Are Rates Rising?
STDs & STIs can be easy to miss in older adults. Symptoms may be overlooked or mistaken for something else. STI symptoms can mimic other common problems in older adults. Gonoherra, for example, can cause arthritis-like symptoms. That’s why it is vital to follow the prevention tips below:
- Make routine STD & STI testing a part of your healthcare plan.
- Use condoms with new partners.
- Tell your doctor about any risk factors for STDs or STIs.
Get free condoms and free STD testing at any AHF Wellness Center today.
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Who Are We?
AHF Wellness Centers offer free, walk-in STD and HIV testing in a laid-back environment. In addition to testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV, our counselors can help with PrEP and PEP, free condoms, and referrals to doctors who specialize in HIV. Learn more about AHF Wellness Centers today.
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